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Title:Plays Midi File and Displays Players
Details: 1.01 KB October 31 1998
Description: This will open a small window playing a music file.

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Title:Plays Random Midi File
Details: 1.01 KB October 31 1998
Description: This
will play a random midi file and display song name and give you a toolbar that is embeded in your web page to control songs.

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Title:Plays Random Midi File
Details: .61 KB October 31 1998
Description: This
will play a random midi file and display song name and give you a toolbar that is embeded in your web page to control songs.

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Title:Plays Midi By The Day
Details: .81 KB October 31 1998
Description: This
will play a different midi file for each day of the month.

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Title:Choose Midi
Details: 1.70 KB July 11 1998
Description: This allows the user to select from a list of midi songs to play on their page

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Title:CD Midi (Lets User Select Midi to be Played)
Details: 1.56 KB February 15 1998
Description: This Midi player is designed like a mini CD player that allows the user to browser through different songs and select the midi that they want to here.

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Title:CD Midi (Lets User Select Midi to be Played)
Details: 1.56 KB February 15 1998
Description: This Midi player is designed like a mini CD player that allows the user to browser through different songs and select the midi that they want to here.

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Title:JukeBox Player
Details: 2.56 KBOctober 15 1998
Description: This Midi player is designed like a Juke Box that displays the songs name as it plays. You can select a song by clicking on the number.

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